#906 – Lone Survivor


There is only one way to describe Lone Survivor, it’s war porn. It is as if someone has recreated Call Of Duty in live action, just for all the armchair, one man army fantasists out there. And the result is superb, I was hooked.

Then you start thinking about the problematic nature of this. This is a true story about real people dying, real people being decapitated. It’s a fact that hits hard with the photographic montages of those real people bookend-ing the film. Cynicism could block all this out quite easily, but I don’t think it should, it’s a cheap way out. However, I’d feel far more comfortable if this movie had been pure fiction… The question then would be, would it still grip me? Would I still be so engrossed as to be ducking Taliban bullets pinging off my cover of rocks?

Finally a mention on the gore effects and immediacy created in the shooting choices, exceptional. Those sequences where they’re tumbling down the hillside are so well crafted as to make a viewer wince at every bounce, bump and scrape. You feel them.

#796 – Prince Avalanche


There is in Prince Avalanche a beauty. It comes mostly from the setting, but also the quiet contemplation of it all. It’s almost as if the four characters are ghostly inhabitants of the isolated scene they inhabit.

Emile and Paul capture a sense of renewal and rebirth and recognition in a location that does the same. And it’s created without grandeur too, there is no glib philosophising. In this movie there is only a pleasant and restful harmony.

Prince Avalanche Emile Hirsch Paul Rudd

#104 – Speed Racer


Speed Racer is fucking Wachowski to its neon core, there is more green screen and style than should be allowed to fit inside a film as viewers eyes flounder and drown in an inspired mix of colour, blur and vibration dealt to the optic nerve in overdose proportions – it is ridiculous as it is orgasmic for spectrum starved peepers – believe me, after watching this you’ll realise you peepers have been fed a pale and tepid diet of the pastel and pallid for far too long.
